Tag: globalindustry

Juniper, your best technology partner

Technology is your best ally to strengthen the future of your business and place it on the starting line.  With an advanced and globally interconnected booking system, you will have a considerable advantage when this unsettling situation is over. Juniper is your best Technology Partner for this: You can insure your investment and your future with an appropriate technology partner in such volatile times for the travel industry As part of […]

We support the tourism industry working from home

At present, more than ever, Juniper is with you. We are convinced that we will overcome this situation thanks to the unity and common work of all the tourism professionals in the World. That is why we have our team working and making a great effort from their homes to give support to all our Clients. If you are not part […]

Juniper steps up commitment to the Travel Industry

The Tourism Industry faces the greatest challenge in its history. The concern of the sector is understandable. But within the uncertainty, only one thing is clear: no matter how long the night, the day is sure to come. And that day will come sooner than later, so the great family of Tourism must be prepared. […]