The possibility of offering their high standards of service, together with a vast array of products online to Travel Agencies Worldwide, using the innovative Technology supplied by Juniper Consulting, provides Alpha Tours Dubai with a distinct advantage over their closest competitors in their marketplace.

Offering the best Accommodation available in Dubai, together with superlative service on the ground, with special Meet & Greet services for their clients arriving in resort, a large selection of excursions in the area, and an excellent transfer service, all online, places Alpha Tours as the superior Incoming Travel Agency for all clients travelling to the area, as well as offering a superb service to those Tour Operators wishing to send their clients to the region.

Of particular interest to Alpha Tours Dubai is the use of the comprehensive Webservice Interfaces developed by Juniper Consulting which allow their most important overseas clients to gain access in realtime to the products and services offered by Alpha Tours Dubai through their own Technological solutions, with seamless and immediate confirmation of bookings, through the latest XML Host to Host connectivity.

With the Groundhandling module developed by Juniper Consulting, Alpha Tours Dubai can optimize their Groundhandling logistics by utilizing the information already dropped into the Booking Engine, to be able to handle all Transport arrangements and Excursion Sales from one and the same solution.